Larfeuille Paris now boasts a permanent team of 3 artisans (Jérôme, Leni, Leah), and 3 craftswomen (Valeria, Pauline, and Françoise) whom we have trained and regularly call upon. Additionally, Yasmin serves as our community manager, and we have over 5 individuals supporting us with communication, public relations, photography, and more.
From the project's inception to today, they are our crew, hailing from diverse backgrounds and communities, all embracing and supporting our mission. They keep us grounded while encouraging us to dream big.
The artisans, family, cousins, and friends of Larfeuille

Caroline Ales
Inspector of Finished Works
Caroline is practically a definition of rock 'n' roll all by herself. Entrepreneurial, socially conscious, cultured, generous, a music fan – you name it. Whether it's moshing at a concert or sharing silly jokes, it's not every day you come across personalities like hers!

Antonin Maurel
Chief Clown
Antonin is one of those people you meet who cannot leave you indifferent. They don't make many like him anymore! He is capable of rallying his clown friends and spontaneously heading to a war-torn country (https://www.clowns-sans-frontieres-france.org) to do one of the most incredibly difficult things in the world: making children in conflict zones laugh.

Stéphane de Freitas — Changemaker
Let me introduce you to Stéphane de Freitas, a true changemaker.
Founder of Eloquentia (Eloquentia.world), director of the César-nominated documentary "A voix haute, la force de la parole" ("Speak Up"), and more recently of "Solidarités" on Netflix, Stéphane is an extraordinary person in the truest sense of the word. He can move mountains and has chosen to channel all his energy, creativity, and persuasive power into serving others.

Extra-terrestrial Mixologist
Max is a remarkable encounter. A young enthusiast of cinema and excellence. His cocktails are incredible, poetic, and his thinking as well as his writing style are absolutely captivating. With guys like him, the future is promising :)

Rosane Mazzer
Rosane is a bit like a sister to me. We've created wonderful projects together, and we're always thinking about the next one, which will inevitably combine creativity, social utility, celebration, and community spirit.

Yarol Poupaud
Yarol has been a musician forever, an exceptional guitarist with an incredible career that you can discover like a road trip with an amazing soundtrack in his recently released book, "Electrique," which I highly recommend.

Upcycling Queen
Rubi is one of the flagbearers of the new wave set to revolutionize fashion. She embraces a highly connected and conscious approach to reuse and DIY, perfectly in tune with the times. Check her out at [www.instagram.com/rubipigeon](https://www.instagram.com/rubipigeon) or [www.instagram.com/rusmin.fr](https://www.instagram.com/rusmin.fr).

Jérôme Pigeon
DJ, Artistic Director
For those just discovering him, Jérôme is a musical producer extraordinaire. He's a living encyclopedia of music, particularly rock, having steered the success of Seu Jorge and produced the latest track of Jeanne Moreau, among many others. He's also the co-founder and master of the turntables at Favela Chic, which set Parisian and Londoner nights on fire for 20 years. His legendary playlists, brimming with eclecticism and zest for life, have become references worldwide. As a gift, here's one: [https://m.soundcloud.com/gringodaparada/patatadonf-mano-28022017](https://m.soundcloud.com/gringodaparada/patatadonf-mano-28022017).

Caroline de Maigret
Today, I feel compelled to share an exchange I had with @carolinedemaigret. What I admire most about her is her honesty and the way she commits to things every day: generous, unpretentious, effective, and classy. In short, she's rare. With so many hats to wear, one alone cannot define her :) So, here's a glimpse.

Guillaume Cartigny
Brand Strategist
Let me introduce you to Guillaume Cartigny. Guillaume is a very close friend who has been involved in every step leading to the creation of Larfeuille. He has also participated in or launched other socially-oriented projects with me. He is one of those rare individuals I know I can rely on for advice, ideas, or simply to have a drink and talk about life.

Romain Lessafre
Head of Important Stuff
This week, it's my friend Romain, aka Château Brutal's turn to go through our gentle wringer. Musician, actor, reporter, creative director, writer, pun master – in short, he's a bit like Rémi Brica with messier hair, more rock 'n' roll, and way cooler. 😀